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low tide 1.潮水的低潮;低潮時間。2.最低點。

low water

This bilingual booklet contains the traditional chinese calendar and times of daily sunrise , sunset , moonrise , moonset , high and low tides , arranged month by month 此年歷中、英對照及按月編排,內附中國傳統農歷、日出日落、月出月落,以及潮汐漲退的時間。

Benthos the organisms that live on the bottom sediments of freshwater and marine ecosystems . they include plants and algae ( phytobenthos ) that grow below low tide mark 底棲生物(海底生物) :在淡水或海洋生態系統底部生活的生物體。包括一些水底的植物和藻類。

He stood a moment unseeing by the cold black marble bowl while before him and behind two worshippers dipped furtive hands in the low tide of holy water 他兩眼發花,在冰涼的黑色大理石圣水缽旁邊佇立片刻。在他前后各有一位信徒,悄悄地用手蘸了蘸淺淺的圣水。

The tombolo at sha chau is obvious during low tide . the tombolo can be observed more clearly when viewing from the higher location such as helicopter platform on sha chau 該處的連島沙洲在潮退時明顯可見,在較高的位置,如沙洲的直升機坪,則可更清楚看到。

Chinese postal service which has the biggest transmission network allied with eb territory will of course help chinese eb industry to recover from the low tide 擁有我國最大傳遞網絡的中國郵政加盟電子商務領域,無疑會對中國電子商務走出低潮起到推動作用。

This bilingual booklet contains the traditional chinese calendar and times of daily sunrise , sunset , moonrise , moonset , high and low tides , arranged month by month 此年歷中英對照及按月編排,內附中國傳統農歷日出日落月出月落,以及潮汐漲退的時間。

There was a concern on the erosion in hoi ha wan marine park main beaches . it was reported that the size of beaches were diminishing at low tides 有成員關注海下灣海岸公園的主要海灘遭到侵蝕,據悉海灘在低潮時的面積正在縮小。

Wetland also includes beaches or riversides close to wetland and the islands , the seawaters deep than 6m in low tide within the area of wetland 濕地還包括臨近濕地的河濱河海岸地區,以及濕地范圍內的島嶼、低潮時超過6米的海域。

It might be an illusion that the recent low tides were actually higher than previous ones that resulted in smaller portion of the inter - tidal zones being exposed 近期的低潮可能較以往的高,令潮間區露出的部分較少,造成假象。

This fish can “ walk “ on land by using its strong fins and tail to skip along the mud in mangrove swamps and estuaries at low tide 彈涂魚是名符其實水上飛的魚類,能在紅樹林沼澤及退潮的海灣利用強壯的鰭及尾在泥地上跳躍行走。

Thus high tides will occur at the same time on opposite sides of the earth , rather than a high tide on one side and a low tide on the other 這樣,在地球相對的兩側將同時出現高潮,而不是一側出現高潮,另一側出現低潮。

At low tide the narrow gap between jin island and kau sai chau is so shallow that junks , or even large sampans , cannot pass through 每逢潮退, ?西洲與吊鐘洲之間的海峽總因水太淺而致漁船和大舢舨無法駛過。

In a tidal cycle , waglan island is typically the first to experience the high low tide while tsim bei tsui is generally the last 在一個潮汐周期內,通常漲潮和退潮會首先在橫瀾島出現,而尖鼻咀則比較遲。

It was the best time for snorkeling , since the visibility at high tide is not good enough and the water is too shallow at low tide 這是潛水的最好時候,因為漲潮時能見度不夠高,而潮落時水又太淺。

Only during very low tide and extra calm sea condition , lau kwo shui can be accessed by foot from kan lau shek 只有在潮水退至十分低和海面極平靜的情況下,才可從更樓石步行前往難過水。

The mean delay is about 1 hour and 30 minutes for high tides and around 2 hours 30 minutes for low tides 平均延遲時間,漲潮大約是一小時三十分,而退潮則是二小時三十分左右。

Low tide was at about nine o ' clock in the morning , so high tide will be at about four the next afternoon 低潮大概是在上午9點鐘左右。那么高潮應該是在第二天的下午4點鐘左右。

Depends on your boat size , avoid sailing into very shallow inshore waters especially during low tides 因應船只的大小,避免駛進沿岸過于淺水的區域,尤其是于潮退時。

I waited until low tide and i went everywhere with that metal detector , hoping i could find my medallion 我拿著金屬探測器四處行走,希望能找回那牌子,但找不到。